Friday, July 20, 2012

kazakhstan Hunger

1. What are the issues that affect food security and nutrition in your country?
-The issues that affect food in Kazakhstan is adverse weather conditions such as an unexpectedly severe cold. Also Kazakhstan is a developed country and they are using the diversion of farmland to produce biofuels.

2. Is agriculture able to feed the population? Is there sufficient water?
-In Kazakhstan there are no problems with the agriculture because they count with (Facts) 22.7 million hectares of arable land, representing 8.4% of the total land area. And in 2003, there were 149,986 private farms, accounting for 94% of agricultural holdings.

-They also doesn’t have problems with the tap water, but they have problems with pollution of rivers, there are alarming problems with rivers that are contaminated by industrial metals, the rivers have been contaminated about 160 to 800 times beyond acceptable levels.

3. Does the country rely on foreign food? What are the implications of this?
-Now Kazakhstan does not depend on other countries to feed their people. Kazakhstan has one of the fastest growing economies of the world since the last 10 years, but before that, there were some serious issues with the economy, (Facts) in 1991 when USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) the Economic of Kazakhstan between 1991 to 2000 the economic were increasing and decreasing, but after 2000 the economic become strong, because they started exporting energy, minerals and food. And in 2008 the subsequent and sharp fall of oil and commodity prices in 2008 aggravated the economic situation, and Kazakhstan plunged into recession.
4. How do the causes of hunger in these countries compare with the causes of hunger in the United States? What is similar, and what is different?

-The truth is that I feel so bad because those statistcs are sick. I thought that the United States was a country where people suffered from diseases or illness, but I never thought that they were suferring from hunger. The statics of Kazakhstan are no so different than that of the United States. Because Kazakhstan is a country with a lot of resources and commercial like United States. In 1992, in United States, the statics of hunger was 110.0 and Kazakhstan was 120 and in 2008 United States was 100.0 and Kazakhstan 120.

Definition: Depth of hunger or the intensity of food deprivation, indicates how much food-deprived people fall short of minimum food needs in terms of dietary energy. The food deficit, in kilocalories per person per day, is measured by comparing the average amount of dietary energy that undernourished people get from the foods they eat with the minimum amount of dietary energy they need to maintain body weight and undertake light activity. The depth of hunger is low when it is less than 200 kilocalories per person per day, and high when it is higher than 300 kilocalories per person per day.

1997-------------------------------------110.0-130.0                                                             -
2002 ------------------------------------110.0-170.0                                                             -
2008----------------------------- 100.0 120          
            23.4     46.8     70.1     93.5     116.9   140.3   163.6


United States

-1992   -1997   --2002  -2008
Year Value 1992 120.00 1997 130.00 2002 170.00 2008 120.00
Year Value 1992 110.00 1997 110.00 2002 110.00 2008 100.00

5.What are the different strategies which could be used to combat hunger in
each of these countries? Which ones will be easier to implement? Which
will be hardest? Why?
-We can encourage big companies to provide tools for agricultures to independent farmers in order to increase farm production.
-Big companie should stop pollution in the rivers.
            United States
-President should touch the topic in their debates

- I think will be more easy United States because United States is the most Powerful country in the world.
- Becouse they have more problems with the wether.

Yash Tandon. (n.d.). The Principles of Food Security. Retrieved from (2007). Kazakhstan. Retrieved from (2007). Kazakhstan. Retrieved from

Central Intelligence Agency. (2012). The World Factbook: Kazakhstan. Retrieved from

Index Mundi. (n.d.). United States: Depth of Hunger. Retrieved from

Index Mundi. (n.d.). Kazakhstan: Depth of Hunger. Retrieved from

Feeding America. (2012). Hunger in America. Retrieved from

Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. (Year). Title. Retrieved from

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