Friday, July 27, 2012

Japan Fourneys on the Tokaido

1. What did you learn about the relationship of food and culture from watching the movie?
     In this movie they don't talk about food they just talk about the "tea ceremony", that is so important in Japan culture

2. Were you tempted to try any foods shown or were you turned off by the food habits of another culture?

     Yes. I will like to try the tea.

3. Is the film making political comments about the consumption or production of food?

     They don’t talk about political problems, but they mention when Japanese wrote the constitution and they most important value that is care about the well-Bing of the people and they still be the same in Japan.

4. Are there gender issues raised about who makes or eats the food?

     No. there was any comment about that.

5. Did you learn about cultural traditions?

     Yes, I had learned from this movie that when Japanese have to celebrate (they no take the celebration lake a big party they emphasize in the ancestor tradition) any customs or tradition they all participate and they do it with respected, because they say that is the way of show their values and respect to their ancestors.

6. What was your favorite scene in the movie?

     My DVD was a documental about art, architecture, history, and traditions of Japan that way i don't have any favorite scene.

7. Would you recommend that your classmates see the movie?

    For sure, if you want learn about culture and tradition of Japan.

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